Hey friends! I’m excited to finally share Tru’s little nursery corner with you all! I’ve been trying to tie it all together for a couple of months now and it’s finally finished.
I knew Tru would be in our room a lot longer than most babies stay in their parents’ room because with only 3 bedrooms, 4 kids- 2 of which are louder than most and don’t like to immediately go to sleep, the only way for him to actually sleep would be to keep him in our room until he’s bigger, for now, at least.
If you know me you know I love to decorate, so I had to make his little corner of our room special.

His crib was actually right next to my side of the bed until a couple of months ago when we got a new (much needed) dresser and got rid of my husband’s dresser which created more space on the opposite end of the bed. His crib is a mini crib since our room isn’t that big. It’s the perfect size and looks like he should be able to fit in it for a while (he’s a peanut which helps haha!).

I wanted to keep things somewhat neutral because I’m a huge fan of decorating for holidays like Halloween and Christmas, this way it’s easier to add fun festive colors when the base is neutral. So for everyday decor (at least for now because I love to switch things up) I chose whites, tan, and beige. I could always add a cute little throw pillow or blanket if I wanted a pop of color without having to change everything up, that’s the beauty of neutrality!

I think my favorite part is this adorable jute smiley sun rug! It’s so cute and fits this space and the vibe I was going for perfectly! I love that it has the fringe around it too, adds the texture I needed since it’s layered onto another rug.

My other favorite part of this space is this toddler sized rattan chair…I mean come on!! Rattan is all the rage right now but I feel like sometimes it’s meant for boho type decor. I knew I could make it work here because there are touches of this similar color brown (wood) in his corner. For example, the shelf above it, the sign above the crib, and all throughout the room as well.
Originally I had a basket full of his favorite Cuddle and Kind stuffed animals here but when I found this little chair at HomeGoods I had to have it! And I’m glad I did grab it because Tru does the cutest thing where he climbs into the chair (after throwing the pillow off) and takes a book out of the basket, mostly The Wheels on the Bus book and “reads” it. His little gibberish and trying to sing the “round and round” part is adorable and I laugh every time.

Some of his Cuddle and Kind friends are still hanging around though, the rest I moved to his new little play nook downstairs (that will be a post for another day though). I added this fun checkered pillow and the cloud pillow was from his (Cuddle and Kind themed) first birthday party. I have a discount code for the pillow case or any other decor from Imani Exchange (like the Cool pennant on his shelf) and links to everything at the end.

This brings me to the little shelf. I love adding shelves or racks to a room because it allows you to display things you wouldn’t normally display or that are harder to display somewhere. Like the puzzle I have propped up there for example.

We clearly love our Cuddle and Kind and they’re way too cute to throw in a toy box somewhere so I try to find cute ways to display them. This hanging basket works perfectly for that!
You might be wondering about storage, right? Like where do we keep his clothes and other toys? If you look under the crib there are 2 baskets, that’s where we keep diapers and wipes and in the other are his socks. He also has a small dresser in another corner of the room where most of his clothes are. It’s a tall skinny dresser so the key with fitting his clothes in there is to keep the current season i.e. shorts and tanks in summer and jeans and sweaters in winter. Also keeping up with the sizes helps. Babies grow quickly so keeping just 12-18 months in there versus also having 18-24 months allows for his things to fit. The fact that he’s still little also helps a lot too ;) He does have a bunch of things hanging in the big boys’ closet too like sweaters, rompers, etc.

I mentioned in the beginning of this post that I created a new little toy nook for him downstairs. The nook used to be the boys’, well I should say Royce’s school area when school was partly virtual (thanks goodness it’s not anymore because that was rough for us). It wasn’t being used how it was when school was virtual and the little table was collecting toys and whatever else and was starting to look a mess. As much as I loved that school nook it was time to transform it into a space that can be used again. So that’s where his toys are and I’m still working on it a little. That will be another edition of my Small spaces series coming soon so stay tuned for that!

Here are the links for some of the things in this space, if I missed something just shoot me a message and I’d be happy to help you out! Hope you enjoyed this little tour and if you are expecting a little one or have a little one but limited on space I hope this inspires you to create a space just as special as they are, even if it’s not a whole room.
You are Loved sign (The display photo is this sign in the big boys’ room :)
Checkered pillow MRSCOFIELDANDCO15 for 15% off
